
Hello! What’s happening my lovely readers? Here’s what’s going on with me!

1. I held the most cuddly baby ever on Sunday! My sister in law was babysitting him and she brought him over. And ahh! I held for about 2 hours, and he was so soft, warm & cuddly! Seriously a cutie pie. 🙂

2. I started the second month of my workout program …… I . want . month . one . back . NOW! Please!?? Augh! It’s so unbelievably difficult, it’s unreal.

3. I keep telling myself that I’ve got this, but I don’t really think I do. Haha.

4. My sister introduced me to the most beautiful & perfect song I have basically ever heard. I will share next Tuesday.

5. This is my last week of posting on this blog. I’m going to move it all over to my main blog and I’m just going to post on Saturdays. It’s getting to be a bit much to keep up with and I’m starting school soon. I’ll be posting each Saturday and I’ll alternate between fitness, music, clothes, quotes, etc!

6. I finally made cinnamon rolls!! And they were amazing. I looooooove cinnamon rolls so much.

7. I really want to go see Coldplay in concert. And Taylor Swift. Cause she’s the bomb dot com.

8. That’s all folks. See you over at my main blog! Maybe…



Ange ♥


‘Elllllllo, how’s it going!? I just figured I say that, since I always start with ‘Hi!’ or ‘Hey everyone!’. Haha. Just needed to change it up! Here’s what’s going on over here!

1. I love pizza. So much so that I feel like I should start every Wednesdays post with ‘I love pizza’. Just kidding. That would get boring.

2. Anyway, my sister & her friend ordered a pizza for lunch yesterday. And offered me some. And I had to turn it down! Because I’m crazy trying to eat more healthily. But anyway, it was really hard. But I didn’t take it! I stayed strong! Ha.

3. You know how I’ve been working out like crazy lately? Today is Day 3 of my Recovery Week which has been lovely! Nice little change of pace. And a nice little break. I’m kind of pumped to start Month 2.

4. My grandma and cousin are coming over today! I’m trying to decide if I should make them cookies or truffles? Or maybe both? Hmm…. decisions, decisions.

5. I made this frosty drink a few days ago. And it was tasty 🙂

6. I also went to Subway last week! It was amazing and delicious and amazingly delicious as always.

7. A Chicken Bacon Ranch sub from Subway is my second favorite food. It has to be on flat bread with lettuce, tomato, and shredded cheese and it has to be grilled. By the way, pizza is my favorite food. Obviously.

8. Saturday was my little brother’s birthday! He turned 13. Can not believe he is a teenager. I made him cookies! His favorite.

9. Also I babysat my nephew & niece on Saturday morning! And then I went shopping with my mom & sister to get some stuff for the birthday boy. Haha.

10. Well, I’ve gotta go. I’ve got breakfast to eat, birds to feed (yeah, we have 3 birds), a workout to do, and desserts to make! Catch ya later! Have an awesome day 🙂


Ange ♥


Hi! How is your week going?? Here’s a look into my week:

1. Some of the siblings and I headed down to Virginia on Saturday for a good friend’s birthday! It was a awesome time and so good to see my friends again!!

2. On Sunday, there was a mouse in our kitchen!! We saw it run under our stove but we didn’t see it come back out. So my mom got some mouse traps and we set them, but I’m not sure if the mouse got caught. To be honest, I’m kind of scared to go into my kitchen. Haha, just kidding. Kind of..

3. I baked chocolate chip cookies a few days ago. I haven’t made them in a while and it felt good to be back! 🙂

4. I am kind of becoming a beast at working out. I hardly take any breaks anymore and I feel so awesome afterwards! I am loving it!

5. I can’t think of a thing to say because this week’s been kind of low key so I’m just going to ramble. Literally.

6. I cut myself on a piece of cheese yesterday. Yes, I am serious.

7. I realllllly want pizza right now. Scratch the ‘right now’ – I always want pizza!

8. And I’ve really got to get down to that Subway that just opened up down the block from us this week!

9. And I wish I had like $10,000 to just buy tons of shoes & clothes. Cause that wouldn’t be at all wasteful or unnecessary. Hahaha 🙂

10. Well, that’s all I’ve got time for today, so bye!




Ange ♥


Hey, hey! How is your week going??

1. A Subway just opened up down the block from us and I can’t wait to go! I love Subway and I am definitely looking forward to a nice Chicken Bacon Ranch Sandwich!

2. My dad & two of my brothers were working at the shore this week, so it’s been a quiet couple of days around here. They’re coming home today and everything will be returning to normal! Haha.

3. I actually think ….. I just might………. kinda, sorta like working out!

4. I know that’s crazy!! I really don’t like it while I’m actually exercising. But beforehand, I’m really pumped & motivated, and afterwords, I feel so accomplished. Maybe I should say, I like the before & after feelings. 🙂

5. Completely just realized that today is the 4th of July! Happy Independence Day!!

6. That reminds me, I think I’m supposed to hang out with some friends today to see the fireworks. Looking forward to that!!

7. We have new neighbors! I met one of them on Monday and he was very nice. I think I’ll bring them some cupcakes.

8. Annnnnnd, that’s about all for now. Have a lovely week guys. 🙂



Ange ♥


Heeeeello there. How’s it going? Here’s how it’s going over in my little world 🙂

1. My grandma’s coming over today. Just to hang out. Should be fun 🙂

2. I’m going to make a skillet chocolate chip cookie just because I love cookies and I love baking them.

3. My sister in law & I have been doing this workout program called Insanity (let me just tell you that the name is pretty self-explanatory, seriously). Today is Day 10 of 60 days. I really don’t know how I’m gonna get through it.

4. Doing the workouts makes me honestly wonder, why do people enjoy working out?

5. But, I do like being in shape. And I feel super healthy afterwards.

6. Also, I’m thinking about starting like a ‘Fit Friday’ thing. Maybe post something motivational each Friday or something? I don’t know, I could definitely use the motivation though 😉

7. I’ve really got to get outside and get some sun! It’s seriously lovely weather here. 🙂

8. I wish I had a pool. I lovelovelove swimming! And that’s a form of exercise which is actually enjoyable!

9. Wellllllp, I’ve got to go workout or make cookies or something. Catch you later!


Ange ♥


Hi guys! It’s been a good week so far, here’s what’s happening!

1. My cousins are over for the week!

2. So far, there’s been a guitar/drum jam session, banana food fight, and a broken shelf. No big deal. Hahaha 😉

3. Got myself a sweet new pair of kicks a few days ago … loving them!

4. I also got myself some clothes for working out.

5. I’m doing this crazy workout/diet program called Insanity. It’s Insane, to say the least. I’ve never been more sore in my life! But I feel so accomplished by the end of it all!

6. I just rolled out 84 cookies for my niece’s party this Saturday. Still have 6 dozen cupcakes to bake & frost and some more cookies to make … it’s going to be a busy couple of days around here (for me at least!)

7. Also just made this cheesecake. My sister is sleeping over at a friend’s house tomorrow (for the friend’s birthday) and she wanted to bring a cheesecake (her friend’s fave dessert).

8. I can’t stop listening to this song! It’s so good!

9. So … that’s life lately, what’s up with all of you?

10. Also, I don’t know why I put so many dot dot dot’s in this post. Hahaha.


Ange ♥


Helllllo, how is your Wednesday morning?

1. My sister-in-law and I are starting this workout called Insanity because we really need to get in shape! We’re going on vacation in September and we need to be bathing suit ready!

2. Sooo, hopefully this week I’m gonna go get some new workout clothes!

3. I made some frozen lemonade yesterday and it was tasty!

4. I had an awesome weekend with my family! Love them to pieces 🙂

5. My cousins are spending the week with us next week. Oh boy.

6. I’ve planned out all things I’m going to bake for the next few weeks. Now I  just need to go grocery shopping!

7. I want pizza. In a really bad way. Ahhh.

8. Or a Nature’s Valley Oats ‘n’ Dark Chocolate Bar. I don’t know if you’ve ever had them, but they’re AMAZING!

9. I’m basically always thinking about food all the time. Hence, number 1. Hahaha.

10. That’s allll. Quite a boring week.


Ange ♥


Hey guys. My week’s been kinda boring, but I’ll fill you in anyway!

1. My grandma, aunt and 2 cousins are coming over on Saturday to spend the day. Should be fun!

2. Also, we’re babysitting my nephew & niece that day because my brother & sister-in-law are going to a charity bike race event thingy.

3. I just made some brownies. Annnnd they smell phenom!!

4. I completely redid my blog – new theme & header and all, a few days ago. But then I changed it all back cause I didn’t like it. My sister was kind of mad (she had designed the new header).

5. I think I need to hire someone to design my blog for me. Like, someone professional.

6. Also, I’m going to completely redo my Recipes page. I’m not going to change that one back though. It’s going to be awesome, and way easier to navigate!

7. I can’t think of a thing to write cause I’m that boring.

8. Oh, wait. I really really like this song right now. And this one.

9. Welll, that’s it. I’m gonna go see what’s for dinner. Bye! 🙂



Ange ♥


Hellllo, how are you today? Here’s a look at my week:

1. Went down to Rita’s with my sister & friend. Got my usual Blendini with mini m&m’s. The best 🙂

2. Came back home and owned my brother 3 times in a row at mini golf. Hehehehe.

3. I watched the Memorial Day parade on Monday with my family and friends and my little nephew. He absolutely loved it! The parade goes right by our house, so we just sit out in our side yard to watch!

4. After that we played more mini golf. This time with some friends. I didn’t do so well though. 😦 Bummer!

5. We decided to go outside and play a nice game of basketball. Except that it was about 100 degrees outside. So we just kind of got super sweaty. On the up-side, I came 2nd in our game of H-O-R-S-E. 🙂

6. I babysat my little neighbor yesterday. We baked cookies and he brought some home.

7. His brothers loved the cookies and it made my day. 🙂

8. That’s about it. Now I’m just getting back to school, chores, the usual. I’ll be graduating high school in a few days!!! Eeeeeeeee. 😀 College in the fall, can you believe it!?!? I know I can’t!



Ange ♥


Looooook at my week:

1. I baked all day Friday and all of Saturday morning/afternoon. I made cookies, brownies, cheesecake and this crisp.

2. We went to a party at my brother’s house on Saturday night. It was interesting. Very, very interesting to say the least.

3. I finally shot a gun! Yes, at that party I fired a gun twice. It was awesome and I will hopefully be doing that again, very very soon.

4. I also held a bat signed by my very favorite baseball player. It was pure amazingness. Yes that is a word. Haha.

5. I played hockey out in the street with my brothers and their friends on Monday. Big mistake. First of all, apparently you’re supposed to wear something other than flip-flops on your feet? Yeah, I got smashed in the foot with a stick and called it quits. Hockey is not for me.

6. However, baseball is. There’s this field about a block from our house where we play pretty frequently. Yesterday we were down there and I smashed a ball. It was great. Definitely going to be playing a lot of baseball this summer!

7. At some point this month, my mom & I are supposed to have a meeting with an adviser at the college I’m hoping to go to. So so excited for that!! 🙂

8. My dad’s cousin, my uncle and my brother and nephew came over for dinner last night. My uncle brought my dad’s yearbook from high school that he found in my grandma’s attic. Apparently my dad used to tap dance. It was hilarious.

9. And I would now like some pizzzzza. I always crave pizza. Even when I’m full. Weird.


Ange ♥